a Montana native recently transplanted to Los Angeles!  I grew up performing in musicals,  singing in choirs, and playing in the dirt - and honestly, not a lot has changed since.  

After obtaining my BFA in Musical Theatre from the University of Arizona in 2019, I moved to New York City.  Six months later, the pandemic hit, and I began working for seasonally for ski lodges, rafting companies, and the Fort Peck Summer Theatre in my home state. 

This year I have been fortunate to be able to plant some roots and return to performing full-time, but I still love to play in the dirt. When not onstage you can find me hiking, skiing, rafting, painting, eating pancakes, and attempting to quench my insatiable thirst for travel. I am always looking forward to the next adventure, on the stage or off.

Browse around to see what I've been up to lately. Enjoy!